It has been a while since we released a historical offering update to the database. Honestly, we don’t know how time got away from us. One thing is for sure, the longer we wait, the longer it takes to ensure the information is complete. Connecticut patients deserve the best and that’s what we aim to deliver. Patients first!
We added over 300+ offerings to the historical database. Why is it important? The historical database gives patients the ability to compare new offerings to historical offerings. Based on the testing results, one could understand the effects and outcomes of each offering. Know what you are consuming and why it is important. This is how we can all understand cannabis as medicine. It’s not all about “getting high,” the laughs are just a bonus.
Here are the strain offerings we added too
- Aniva
- Apritath
- Bablica
- Balinica
- Bandolyn
- Bianca
- Biscay
- Black
- Blue
- Cannabidiol A
- Cannabidiol D
- Citron
- Cohebex
- Daxotone
- Dolceden
- Dosidex
- Elioraca
- Equidex
- Falcoden
- Fioraden A
- Fioraden C
- Fioraden D
- Fioraleve A
- Garnet
- Gwyniva
- Haracept
- HH Red
- Hybridol A
- Hybridol AB
- Hybridol D
- Hybridol F
- Hybridol I
- Hybridol J
- Hybridol N
- Hybridol Q
- Hybridol R
- Hybridol T
- Hybridol U
- Hybridol X
- Hybridol Z
- Indicol A
- Indicol AB
- Indicol B
- Indicol BC
- Indicol C
- Indicol CD
- Indicol DE
- Indicol E
- Indicol EF
- Indicol F
- Indicol FG
- Indicol H
- Indicol O
- Indicol W
- Indicol X
- Indicol Z
- Jade
- Jenva
- Lavender
- Lexikan
- Loolica
- Mandrica
- Obalex
- Ohbrid
- Onyx
- Pagoti
- Pinaden
- Playacin
- Purple
- Quintica
- Rainbow
- Ratindica
- Rexibrid
- Roccaden
- Romblica
- Romulex
- Ruby
- Santogen
- Sapphire
- Sativarin E
- Sativarin I
- Sativarin M
- Sativarin P
- Sativarin T
- Scarlett
- Shanibrid
- Silver
- Songrica
- Squiblica
- Stelladex
- Suchinose
- Sucreden
- Sunlight
- Sunrise
- Tangilex
- Taytenate
- Tetraden
- Tomandi
- Umbrica
- Zainavir
- Zerzica
- Zonbripure
- Zybrid

Check out Dabbin Dad for all your strain information and know your medicine.