A reminder from our friends at The Healing Corner , tomorrow, Aug. 20th, is Theraplant Thursday! All Theraplant products will be 20% off and the growers will be visiting to answer questions!!
The Healing Corner is located at 159 East Main St Bristol, Connecticut if you have any questions give them a call (860) 583-4325 … [Read more...] about Theraplant Thursday at The Healing Corner 8/20/15
The Healing Corner
CT WEED REVIEWS #108 Dispensary WAX: T87 (86% THC)
Greg C of CT WEED Reviews tries out the WAX: T87 a blend of some of their more potent strains coming in at 86% THC and SUPER CLEAN, from Connecticut Pharmaceutical Solutions. This is available now at The Healing Corner or check your local dispensary. You can reach Greg at CTWeedReviews@DabbinDad.com … [Read more...] about CT WEED REVIEWS #108 Dispensary WAX: T87 (86% THC)
Odds & Ends – Dropped by the Healing Corner!
This afternoon was amazing. The sun was shining in Bristol today! It was great meeting the guys from AGL and one of the owners at the Healing Corner. Always great to see the staff there. I went with all AGL products today, except I had to get the Nero wax everyone was talking about too. I was bummed, I showed up late in the day and missed the AGL Sativarin B 22 flowers. … [Read more...] about Odds & Ends – Dropped by the Healing Corner!
Theraplant Raekacet
All I can say is WOW! Normally I'm not one for indicas during the day, but I had a stressful one, so I went for it. I worked late last night and had to be back in the office before 9am this morning. Of course my wife and I really didn't get the chance to sleep as my youngest had a high fever and was wide awake until early morning. My poor little girl. … [Read more...] about Theraplant Raekacet
Advance Grow Labs Visit and Sale at The Healing Corner, Thursday, August 13th
Advance Grow Labs is offering a 20% discount to ALL PATIENTS on ALL PRODUCTS for their visit The Healing Corner, in Bristol, CT this Thursday, August 13th! AGL will be available to answer any questions that patients may have, along with a possible sneak peek of new products in the pipeline! AGL will be there from 2pm to 6pm. Visit their website www.TheHealingCorner.com for … [Read more...] about Advance Grow Labs Visit and Sale at The Healing Corner, Thursday, August 13th
Here is a video from our boy Greg C of CT WEED Reviews! PINEAPPLE x BLUEBERRY x PURPLE KUSH by Theraplant.....Don't let the 14 % THC number fool you, this Indica gets you medicated!!!! And a good smooth onset...Available at The Healing Corner NOW!!! CT Medical Marijuana Patients ONLY!!! 18+ You can reach Greg at CTWeedReviews@DabbinDad.com … [Read more...] about CT WEED REVIEWS #101 Dispensary Strain: PINEAPPLE x BLUEBERRY x PURPLE KUSH
Odds & Ends – Dabbin Dad Merch available at The Healing Corner
I stopped by The Healing Corner yesterday and dropped off some Dabbin Dad swag!! They have agreed to carry some shirts, hatpins, and 7ml Concentrate jars. All items are available for discount to Healing Corner patients. No need to pay for shipping and handling! Stop by and check the new stuff out and pick up a free concentrate jar while supplies last. Currently the shirts … [Read more...] about Odds & Ends – Dabbin Dad Merch available at The Healing Corner
Video – CT WEED REVIEWS #93 Dispensary Strain: LEMON G (30% THC)
It's here!! A new fresh batch of Lemon G, it tested at over 30%, the first CT dispensary strain to do so! Greg C of CT WEED Reviews picked some up from our friends at The Healing Corner and drops a review.
You can reach Greg at CTWeedReviews@DabbinDad.com … [Read more...] about Video – CT WEED REVIEWS #93 Dispensary Strain: LEMON G (30% THC)
Video – CT WEED REVIEWS #90 Dispensary WAX: CPS 236/526 Oil (High CBD Oil)
Greg C of CT WEED Reviews hit up The Healing Corner and picked up the dispensary wax cps 236/526 Oil. The CT weed review king wanted readers to know that "Connecticut Pharmaceutical Solutions has a GREAT TASTING 2:1 CBD / THC Syringe out that has some of the best tasting dabs Ive had from the dispensaries with Great Medical Benefits", click the play button for the full … [Read more...] about Video – CT WEED REVIEWS #90 Dispensary WAX: CPS 236/526 Oil (High CBD Oil)
AGL Sativarin A25 – Tangerine Haze – Strain Review
Kids are all bathed and in bed, so it's review time!
Hats off to Advanced Grow Labs on this strain, I opened my medicine container and was welcomed by this big bud. So you are first invited to a nice citrusy flavor when smoking this gorgeous flower. I heard rumblings that this Tangerine Haze.
It's like a spring day, just refreshing. I don't normally drink, but I could see … [Read more...] about AGL Sativarin A25 – Tangerine Haze – Strain Review