More Government needs to follow suit. They should stop playing around. The economy needs help rebounding from the pandemic and cannabis legalization is not going away. State leaders should listen to their constituents. Just sayin'-Dabbin' Dad You can view the whole article at this link Pennsylvania Governor Calls for Cannabis Legalization amid COVID-19 HARRISBURG, … [Read more...] about PA Governor Calls for Cannabis Legalization
Dabbin Dad
Hello patients! Travertine by Curaleaf is their newest addition to the Connecticut MMP. It is exciting to see the program grow. We have come along way from the days of homogenized flower, but there is always room to improve. That's what Curaleaf seems to be doing. Keep the new strains coming! What is this strain? Curaleaf Travertine aka Truffula Tree (Cookie … [Read more...] about Travertine
Primadex from CTPharma
We have a new strain offering in the Connecticut Medical Marijuana program. This offering is a new cultivar cross not yet seen. When we first saw the testing results, we could not believe the number of terpenes identified. This has to be one of the largest profiles identified to date, with in the Connecticut program. We wonder, can someone identify even low level … [Read more...] about Primadex from CTPharma
Look at our buddy Greg C. The man does not stop! Thanks Greg for being you! Check out what Greg C had to say out the recent Kaia Kush aka Kaiaven from CTPharma. -Dabbin' Dad … [Read more...] about CT WEED REVIEWS #583 Dispensary STRAIN: KAIA KUSH
Kaia Means Pure
We like simplicity. Remembering this name is going to be easier for us, or will it? The reason we mention this name out of all the rest is simple. The DCP approved strain name, Kaiaven, has the actual name partly in it. What can it be? Kaiven is none other than Kaia Kush. That's right. Kaia Kush is a cross of Super Silver Haze and OG Kush. Let us and all the … [Read more...] about Kaia Means Pure
Jack is Back
This time its for real, not just a cross. Connecticut MMP Patients we now have Jack Herer thanks to CT Pharma and let's say this is a good product name, if there ever was one. If you know about Jack Herer, you'll understand the connection with the name CT Pharma presented to the program, it's called Emperidex. Respect!-Dabbin' Dad Emperidex T23 S … [Read more...] about Jack is Back
Military veteran sentenced to life in prison for selling $30 of marijuana will be freed
How can we as society, justify a legalized cannabis market with people still in jail for the substance? It's a hard pill to swallow!-Dabbin' Dad Derek Harris, who was arrested in 2008 in Louisiana for selling an officer .69 grams of marijuana, was recently resentenced to time served. He’s already served nine years in prison. Initially, Harris was … [Read more...] about Military veteran sentenced to life in prison for selling $30 of marijuana will be freed
Federal: Upcoming vote in the House on marijuana policy
Later this month, there will be a crucial vote in the US House of Representatives on an amendment to protect legal marijuana states from federal interference. The passage of this amendment would be our biggest federal victory yet! But we need your help to ensure that we have the votes necessary to win. Since 2014, members of Congress have passed annual spending bills … [Read more...] about Federal: Upcoming vote in the House on marijuana policy
Limited Release Offering from Theraplant
This new Theraplant strain is definitely interesting, we truly love the street name of this offering. It reminds me of a time before kids, when I use to stay up late playing video games. Life seemed much simpler then. It's too bad that this is a limited edition release. It seems to us, that Theraplant has been taking this approach more frequently as of recent. Either way, … [Read more...] about Limited Release Offering from Theraplant
The Real Green Crack
It's here! Yes, thank you! It is finally here. CT Pharma has done it. They have finally brought the Green Crack, that everyone knows and loves, to the Connecticut Medical Marijuana Program. If you are wondering how you can find it, it's been released under the name, Gretolex. It's coming soon to a dispensary near you. If you know your medicine, you could say that there is … [Read more...] about The Real Green Crack