CannaHealth Opens in New Haven today!
Did you hear the great news? CannaHealth is opening up a new location in New Haven! With over 900+ registered doctors in the state medical marijuana program, why is it so hard to find a doctor who can help you. All too often, there is the need for an awkward conversation with a current doctor who isn’t aware of the cannabis studies and it’s proven ability to help with certain conditions. We all wish there was less of a stigma and we can get back to the idea that medical professionals are going to help you and will not judge you. Well luck for us we have a few practices that understand the concern.
Join us for our grand opening at CannaHealth ! 🎉
🎉 #Today Starting at 2pm with special guest Mayor of New Haven, Mayor Toni Harp and, State Senator Douglas McCrory. There will be a free health and wellness seminar, and 25% off regular priced consultations. We’ll also be open Friday July 6th starting at 4PM and Sunday July 7th starting at 10AM.
Did you know Today and EVERY DAY, CannaHealth has an active & veteran military discount of 50% off their medical marijuana program evaluations and certifications. 🇺🇲 They are here to support us, they truly love our #armedforces community. 💚 Book your appointment now
Check out Dabbin Dad for all your strain information. Know your medicine.