This new Theraplant strain is definitely interesting, we truly love the street name of this offering. It reminds me of a time before kids, when I use to stay up late playing video games. Life seemed much simpler then. It’s too bad that this is a limited edition release. It seems to us, that Theraplant has been taking this approach more frequently as of recent. Either way, this newest indica concentrate is called Ultrica.
-Dabbin’ Dad

Ultrica T80 CR 9391 & 9392
Ultrica aka MK Ultra Black Ops (MK Ultra x The Black)
CANNABINOID ANALYSIS: THC-A: 72.0% THC: 8.10% CBD-A: 0.18% CBD: <0.10% CBG-A: 2.38% CBG: 0.35% CBN: <0.10% CBC: <0.10% THC-V: <0.10% CBD-V: <0.10%
TERPENE ANALYSIS: α-Pinene: <0.10% ß-Pinene: <0.10% Limonene: <0.10% ß-Myrcene: <0.10% Ocimene: <0.10% Linalool: 0.14% ß-Caryophyllene: 0.38% Humulene: 0.17%
About this Strain Offering
MK Ultra
According to Wikileaf
MK Ultra is an Indica dominant cannabis strain. It is named after Project MK Ultra – the CIA conducted mind manipulating experiments on civilians and government officials during the 1950’s.
Even though the name may seem a bit daunting at first, using it will immediately explain the perfect reasoning behind it having this name – MK Ultra is classified as one of the heaviest Indica hybrids in existence and induces HIGHLY powerful and hypnotic cerebral effects. In fact, it is so good that it came in at 1st place in the Indica category at the High Times’ Cannabis Cup in 2003, and 2nd place the year after. This strain has two highly sought after parents – OG Kush and G-13. Its THC content is 18% and CBD level is 0.1%.
MK Ultra plants are short, reaching heights of 100 – 120cm. It has sticky, dense and pungent flowers with tight, resin coated buds which are extremely sticky and almost white. Its scent is a bit strange – it resembles burnt plastic mixed with lemon and diesel. However, there is nothing strange about its taste – a long lasting piney, earthy sweet with a hint of mustiness. The smoke of this strain is very smooth.
This powerful strain is considered to be one of the most powerful Indicas in the world. Its hypnotic cerebral effects hit almost immediately. Smoking this strain causes the eyelids to become very heavy and droop, thus making MK Ultra perfect for patients suffering from insomnia. It induces a heavy couch lock, which makes it suitable to combat stress as well.
Upon use, users often demonstrate signs of giddiness, with an ever-present smile on their faces. Thus, depression can also be cured with the help of this exceptional strain.
MK Ultra was originally grown by T.H. Seeds. Its short stature makes it suitable for indoor growth, but it can be grown outdoors as well. It takes 8-9 weeks to flower, and has an above average yield of 350gm per square meter.
MK Ultra is a highly effective medical marijuana strain, and all of its relaxing properties makes it perfect for evening and nighttime use.

The Black
According to Wikileaf
A strain that was listed as one of the Top 10 Strains of 2008 by the High Times, The Black is a mostly-Indica hybrid whose name comes from the way in which it’s leaves turn a real dark purple, and in some cases black, as plants reach maturity.
BC Bud Depot, the inventor of this strain, does not list what specifically went into the creation of this hybrid but they do list the strain as only ten percent Sativa (thus mostly Indica). They state that the Indica has been around since the late 1980s on Vancouver Island and in California. The Black is a potent classical Indica, a knockout strain that should be regulated for night time use.
Not a creeper, this strain settles into the body and begins to soothe aches and pains of any severity almost instantaneously. These narcotic-like effects can cause users to quickly drift off into a deep slumber, great for treating insomnia. It may also help with glaucoma, inflammation and migraines.
This strain will show its true color when grown in hyrdoponics or outdoors, but it can also be grown in soil. A heavy yielding Indica, it stays short and loves nutrients. To reach harvest The Black will need eight to ten weeks to finish flowering. Outside it is ready mid-October.