“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. As we all enjoy the holiday off from work, let's ensure to remember what today truly means for all Americans. Dr. King's legacy lives on and we are not done with the path he guided us too. Let's make 2018 the future he envisioned. … [Read more...] about Martin Luther King Jr Day
Enough is Enough
Are You Ready for the War on Drugs, Part 2? When will we start demanding legislators to do the job in which they were sent to perform in Washington DC. I understand there are a lot of issues to be addressed, but why are we still talking about cannabis? The news is out, it's medical and more. The government has lied to us and why do we allow them to keep lying? By … [Read more...] about Enough is Enough
Starting the New Year
History of New Year Celebrations The earliest known New Year celebrations were in Mesopotamia and date back to 2000 BC. The early Romans used March 1 as New Year's Day. Other cultures used the autumn equinox or the winter solstice to mark the new year. In 1582, the Gregorian calendar, which marks January 1 as the new year, is adopted by the Roman Catholic Church. New Year - … [Read more...] about Starting the New Year
Happy New Year
Happy New Year: 2018 Where did the year go? Time flies by way too fast as you get older. I remember hearing this when I was younger, but I never really related to it but a few years ago. We all can get consumed in our daily lives, that we tend to forget to enjoy what is right in front of our faces. We all should attempt to slow down and enjoy life as we experience … [Read more...] about Happy New Year
Holidaze or Holiday Stress
Holidaze or Holiday Stress Holiday Stress, are you pulling your hair out over finances or panicking over the number of calories you’ve swallowed during the holiday festivities? You’re not alone. The holidays can be stressful. People can easily become overwhelmed with shopping, crowds and family commitments. The end-of-year holidays are certainly a happy time for most of us, … [Read more...] about Holidaze or Holiday Stress
Public Cannabis Consumption
Why is public consumption currently illegal? We all know people who consume cannabis in public, even now with Connecticut only having a medical program. What does the future of recreational cannabis look like without public consumption? Grim and bleak if you were to ask me. Currently, there is no legal public consumption allowed in the US. However this does not mean public … [Read more...] about Public Cannabis Consumption
Friday Dispensary Haul
I was so excited for pay day this week, for the first time in a long time I was able to make a trip up to the dispensary. The holidays are starting early around here. Life is good, but the truth is my concentration has been developing the database and trying to help patients over myself recently. A sacrifice I'm happy to say wasn't terrible, because I have a great … [Read more...] about Friday Dispensary Haul
Is Legal Cannabis Headed to New Jersey
We need to learn from New Jersey and follow suit. It's a good start for the week, the weather is still mild and the snow has yet to visit us. Last week, Connecticut was the first to have a Gubernatorial debate on Cannabis, Social and Criminal Justice Reform. This was a great opportunity to keep the topic of legalization mainstream in the media. This was not the end all … [Read more...] about Is Legal Cannabis Headed to New Jersey
Almost Debate Time
Who is ready to witness Connecticut Gubernatorial candidates make history by speaking candidly about cannabis, legalization, social and criminal justice reform and how we can fight the opiate crisis here in Connecticut! This appears to be the first-ever Gubernatorial debate to structured around the topic of cannabis. According to a recent Sacred Heart Poll, 70.6 percent of … [Read more...] about Almost Debate Time
Principal of CT Pharmaceutical Solutions Loses License
Principal of CPS Loses License, Dispensary Still Operating The Principal of CT Pharmaceutical Solutions loses his license, but CPS remains operational. I understand the supply issue for the program if CPS was to immediately close, but how can the State of Connecticut allow such activity without pulling the license immediately. This is a heinous violation. With an already … [Read more...] about Principal of CT Pharmaceutical Solutions Loses License