We Need to Make a Stand
Some of you may have watched the first Presidential Debate last night, personally I could not stay up to watch it in its entirety. There was an early morning project which required my presence. I did not look forward to the alarm going off at 4am this morning. I really do not care for either party candidate, but I do like to listen to what they have to say about the country that I so willingly fought for. I’m thankful to have been raised in a country that allows people to speak freely. My main problem this election year is neither candidate relates to me. People are trying to determine who is the lesser evil and I find it terrible that out of a country of 324 million, we couldn’t find better representatives. This leads me to the point of this rambling….
Looking at both candidates, I see two individuals who are only out for their own personal gain. I’m not trying to be political or trying to say one is better than the other. What I am saying, I don’t believe either really cares about our problems. What we need is people of action! We need to find representatives that honestly care and they are out there. If you want your voice to be heard, the best way is to get involved and meet people. Try to make a difference by taking a stand on what you believe in.
Cannabis is still federally illegal. Why, because there is a lot of money in prohibition. Any logical person can see that the U.S government holds a patent on cannabis (USPTO, 6,630,507). Why hasn’t a president or congress, lifted the federal ban on cannabis yet…. We as citizens, empower the government. We need to be heard. It is tiring to hear politician after politician say, there needs to be more research. Why??? The US government patent proves the medical debate. Let’s not forget that Marinol, a synthetic version of THC is considered to be schedule III, but natural occurring THC is classified as schedule I. This is truly astonishing. We can explain this to our children in simple context and they will understand, but politicians for some reason can not see the truth.
Today, I promise to help those that are not able to help themselves. Dabbin Dad has and always will promote cannabis legalization and individual grow rights. Help spread the word, Dabbin Dad is with you!!! Cannabis is medicine and should be available to those that need it. Don’t fear the plant, but be sceptical of those that try to tell you differently. We know the truth!