Check out the New Strain Offering CPS Mortiven (S) aka Jack the Ripper CT Pharmaceuticals Solutions released the newest strain this week. Mortiven aka Jack the Ripper, is a sativa dominant strain. According to Leafly, it is the flagship hybrid from TGA Genetics and was created by the breeder Subcool in an attempt make his famous Jack’s Cleaner in seed … [Read more...] about New Strain Offering!
A Fireside Chat: What It’s Like To Be In The CT MMP
How does it to have access to Cannabis in CT? He may not be a real doctor, but he plays one on YouTube. Doctor Morgan (Dabster's alter ego) has the opportunity to interview the infamous Dabster Morgan and delves into what it's like to be in the CTMMP. Check Dabster Morgan out on instagram and snapchat: @dabstermorgan … [Read more...] about A Fireside Chat: What It’s Like To Be In The CT MMP
End Connecticut’s Prohibition
End Connecticut's Cannabis Prohibition Hopefully tomorrow will be the start towards the change we desire in Connecticut. Tomorrow marks the beginning of the 2018 Legislative Session in Hartford and local activists from around the state will be travelling to meet and discuss cannabis reform and legalization with state representatives. Face to face communications is the … [Read more...] about End Connecticut’s Prohibition
New Strain Alert
New Strain Alert!!! Who likes new strain offerings? I do, I do. This new offering is from the new leadership over at Curaleaf. Man... they definitely are expanding the offerings over in Simsbury. It has been sometime since I was this excited, probably since the release of the scarlett strain. For this new offering you have to enjoy the vape cartridges, … [Read more...] about New Strain Alert
Curaleaf Onyx aka Death Star I'm sorry I can't help myself. Who doesn't remember the 90's Hip Hop group, Onyx? Slam, da duh duh, da duh duh. Let the boys be boys. Slam, da duh duh, da duh duh. Make noise b-boys. Thankfully my musical taste diversified over time, but I still love that song. Things just seemed simpler back when Crystal Pepsi was first … [Read more...] about CT WEED REVIEWS #408 Dispensary STRAIN: DEATH STAR
Strain Database Update 2/4/18
Dabbin Dad Database - Strain Update 2/4/18 New Strain release notification: Curaleaf Onyx (I) aka Death Star There is a lot going on in the state program. Here are the recent strain offerings going through the state dispensaries. Make sure to check out the Dabbin Dad Strain Database for your CT MMP strain info. We strive to help everyone understand what they are … [Read more...] about Strain Database Update 2/4/18
SuperBowl LII
The Super Bowl is here Regardless of why you watch Super Bowl 52, whether it's your favorite team, you're an avid sports fan, it's for the commercials or if you just love Justin should be a great time with friends and family. Let's just hope there are no more wardrobe malfunction this time around for Justin, I mean it is the same teams playing. Here is a … [Read more...] about SuperBowl LII
February CT MMP Statistics Are In
February CT MMP Statistics Happy Friday everyone. How did the program expand this month? The February CT MMP Statistics are in. The program is still going strong, 23,508 patients. This is an increase of 1,083 or 5% growth this month. Are you aware of the proposed amendment changes to the program? Make sure you submit your comments to the state. Do you think the proposed … [Read more...] about February CT MMP Statistics Are In
CPS Icarilex aka Moby Dick CT Weed Reviews Dispensary STRAIN Review: MOBY DICK by Connecticut Pharmaceutical Solutions .... White Widow x Haze available at The Healing Corner NOW!!! CT Medical Marijuana Patients ONLY!!! 18+ Check out Dabbin Dad for all your strain information. … [Read more...] about CT WEED REVIEWS #406 Dispensary STRAIN: MOBY DICK
Proposed Amendments to the CT Marijuana Program
Proposed Amendments to the CT Marijuana Program Attention CT Patients and Caregivers, The DCP has announced they intend to amend the current medical marijuana program regulations. They are accepting public comment on these proposed changes until Feb 5th 2018 @ 12am (midnight). Comments should be addressed to Commissioner Michelle Seagull and may be submitted … [Read more...] about Proposed Amendments to the CT Marijuana Program