That's right the newest strain to hit dispensary shelves is called Dolceden. Great name right? Do you wonder what it really is, no worries let Dabbin' Dad help. There are two new offerings of Dolceden: one is a concentrate and the other in vape form. This strain is definitely a hybrid cross of Girl Scout Cookies x Cookie Pebbles x Gelato x Wedding Cake. Dolceden T86 6052 … [Read more...] about CT Pharma Releases Dolceden
Xinva Strain from Theraplant
Did you hear about Xinva? Let me introduce Xinva, Theraplant's newest strain release and the fourth in a week. They must have been busy the last few months getting these new offerings out to the patients. This is an interesting strain cross. They are indicating the plant is a sativa dominant plant. Xinva (S) aka Colorado Flow x (ACDC x Purple YMCA x Agent … [Read more...] about Xinva Strain from Theraplant
New Theraplant Strains
Theraplant's Newest Strains So I heard from a little birdie on good accord, that Theraplant has some new genetics releasing tomorrow. I love seeing the program expand. I'm excited to tell you that not one, but two new strains are releasing in the program tomorrow. There is a sativa for those who like that creativity feeling and an indica strain for those who are … [Read more...] about New Theraplant Strains
Dabbin’ Dad Database – Strain Update 12/6/17
Dabbin Dad Database - Strain Update There is a lot going on in the state program. Here are the recent strain offerings going through the state dispensaries. Make sure to check out the Dabbin Dad Strain Database for your CT MMP strain info. We strive to help everyone understand what they are consuming. Please share your insight with other patients and tell them about Dabbin … [Read more...] about Dabbin’ Dad Database – Strain Update 12/6/17
Theraplant Aniva aka Colorado Flo. Nice clarity on this concentrate offering. Question, is it tasty and enjoyable? Have to watch the video to find out. Check out Greg C on CT Weed Reviews. Give him a like and follow him on YouTube. CT Weed Reviews Dispensary SHATTER Review: COLORADO FLO from Theraplant....SUPER CLEAN DABS!!! Available at The Healing Corner NOW!!! CT … [Read more...] about CT WEED REVIEWS #388 Dispensary SHATTER: COLORADO FLO
Indicol C aka Banana OG (Banana OG x Cookies & Cream) by AGL. Greg C isn't lying about this strain for you indica lovers. Check out his video. Give him a like and follow on Youtube. CT Weed Reviews Dispensary BUDDER Review: BANANA OG by Advanced Grow Labs...OG Kush x Banana...FIRE!!!!! available at The Healing Corner … [Read more...] about CT WEED REVIEWS #389 Dispensary BUDDER: BANANA OG
Dabbin’ Dad Strain Database Updated
Make sure to check out the newly added offerings still available at the dispensary. Do you have questions about your medicine? Are you still looking for the strain that works for you? Dabbin Dad's Strain Database includes new information pertaining to both cannabinoids and terpenes. See how the new offerings compare to the previous offerings: Hybridol D 27.54 … [Read more...] about Dabbin’ Dad Strain Database Updated
The Mod House Demo: Yocan Cerum
The Yocan Cerum is here! So it’s been awhile since I’ve done a vaporizer review. I love concentrates on the go. The problem as of recent is finding a device that delivers a quick effective dose. Who honestly has time to be sucking on the vape pen all day? If you’re a light cannabis user or you just like the convenience, I understand the ease of buying pre-filled cartridges. … [Read more...] about The Mod House Demo: Yocan Cerum
Everyone coughs from time to time
Everyone coughs from time to time when they medicate.
Anyone who knows me and I’ve had the pleasure to sesh with, knows that I cough regardless. I even joke about it regularly, “Makes me feel alive. Hahaha.” I medicate daily, so let’s say I don’t have virgin lungs. Sometimes, people joke about it being my first time smoking. Not everyone acclimates to smoking. Our lungs are … [Read more...] about Everyone coughs from time to time
Newest Curaleaf Yellow Offering: Lemon Haze Wax Check out Greg C's recent video review of the newest Curaleaf Yellow wax. He's almost to 300 reviews! Congrats Greg!!! This strain has been available in flower and concentrate before and was quite enjoyable. Let's see what Greg C thinks of this offering. CT Weed Reviews Dispensary WAX Review: LEMON HAZE by Curaleaf....FIRE … [Read more...] about CT WEED REVIEWS #294 Dispensary WAX: LEMON HAZE