I’m not going to lie and say I don’t like smoking cannabis, but I do understand that combustion in general is not great on the lungs. I prefer a dab, not only because it’s concentrated, but I feel it’s easier on the lungs when compared to joint/blunt. I picked up an enail recently, so I could put down the butane torch.
I understand not everyone likes smoking and some people are new to cannabis. Smoking or combustion of cannabis is not the only way to get the medical benefits. There are numerous ways to take your medicine, such as infused edibles, capsules, infused honey, oils, topicals and vaping to name a few. A viewer sent me this interesting info-graphic displaying some information of the benefits of vaping versus smoking herbals. If you are interested in vaping check out their store ThaVapeShop.com. Click Read More to view the info-graphic.
Dabbin Dad does not receive any kick backs for any purchases, but I do find the info-graphic informative and they even provided references, great work!