A Connecticut man is finding success with a cannabis business he’s operating with his mother.
Derrick Gibbs and his mother have already opened two Budr Cannabis locations in Connecticut. They also plan to open at least four other locations, CT Insider reported.
“I qualified for it in terms of the neighborhood that I grew up in my entire life, but on an income standpoint, I did not qualify,” Gibbs told CT Insider.
The cannabis entrepreneur turned to his family because he needed somebody who meets Connecticut’s social equity requirements.
“Each of the social equity applicants are family members of mine, those being my mother, her sisters and my cousins,” Gibbs said. “My mom still lives in the house she grew up in as a child.”
“We take great pride in knowing that this was not just a file for us. We didn’t just say, ‘Oh, it’s a business opportunity.’ We said, ‘We can help you put the pieces together that you need. We can counsel you on the law and we can make connections for you in the community,’” Glassman told CT Insider. “For us, the fact that we’ve now created this amazingly successful operation that looks like it really has a lot of wind at its back … We take a lot of pride in that.”
You can view the whole article at this link.