Ever since Colorado legalized Marijuana, the trend has swept the country. Now, 37 states in the US have either legalized Cannabis for medicinal purposes or medicinal and recreational.
Over the years, studies of the drugs, Tetrahydrocannabinol, THC, and Cannabinoid, CBD, two of the main properties of Marijuana, have revealed amazing medicinal finds and why.
Many states have legalized Cannabis for various reasons, enriching their state’s coffers.
Of the 37 states that have legalized weed, California is in the lead with its annual revenue. The Golden State earned more than 1 billion dollars last year getting people high.
State Marijuana Tax Revenue 2024:
- Alaska – $27,251,831
- Arizona – $289,879,253
- California – $1,089,898,823
- Colorado – $255,364,952
- Connecticut – $27,232,217
- Illinois – $457,284,195
- Louisiana – $2,309,603
- Maine – $40,950,938
- Maryland – $72,540,000
- Massachusetts – $272,445,292
- Michigan – $290,300,000
- Missouri – $84,009,800
- Montana – $57,387,812
- Nevada – $120,537,777
- New Jersey – $41,889,891
- New Mexico – $53,594,444
- New York – $50,760,000
- Oklahoma – $51,013,447
- Oregon – $150,898,047
- Rhode Island – $20,514,435
- Vermont – $15,210,000
- Washington – $454,742,324
Source: State government tax and budget agencies, author’s calculations. Data is for the most recent fully reported full fiscal or calendar year.
As studies roll in, the uses for Marijuana, other than catching a buzz, are numerous. I have epilepsy and though it does not stop a seizure it does ease the pain of recovering from a massive headbanger.
A grand mal seizure is like going 10 rounds with a champion fighter and losing miserably. It can take up to a week to fully recover after dancing a session with the monster. When waking up from an episode, I am foggy, sore, and have a pounding headache from the concussion I just gave myself.
I sleep for days afterwards and with a little help from Mary Jane, I can deal with my chewed up tongue, black eyes, bruised or even broken nose, and scraped skin. Now, after 50+ years of battling the monster, I can legally use Cannabis to aid in my recovery.
The 37 States that have either medicinally or recreationally legalized Cannabis have had a surge in revenue and their ability to fund different programs.
The Cannabis Cash is being put into education, public health, public safety, substance abuse, youth programs, law enforcement training, economic development, and criminal justice reform efforts.
H/T: www.newsbreak.com
You can view the whole article at this link 37 States Experience Revenue Surge from Marijuana Sales