That is correct people! CT Pharma dropped a new strain release right before 2020 and it is called Lustraden. Happy New Year Everyone from our family too yours! So what is this mysterious new strain release? It’s a hybrid cultivar and the genetics originate from Bergman’s Lab. Do you have any ideas yet?

CPS Lustraden aka Gold Leaf
According to CannaSOS
Gold Leaf cannabis strain by Bergman’s Lab is a slightly Indica dominant hybrid that is high in both THC and CBD. It contains pungently spicy and sweet notes against an earthy and herbed background. This strain can treat ADHD/ADD, sleeplessness, stress and anxiety. Gold Leaf cannabis strain is best for evening usage.
Type of High
Gold Leaf cannabis strain will relax users yet lift them up into positive and airy happiness. Depending on the dosage, this sensation can become drowsy at times.
Lustraden T27 H 7871
CANNABINOID ANALYSIS: THC-A: 26.63% THC: 0.25% CBG-A: 2.03% TERPENE ANALYSIS: ß-Myrcene: 0.66% Limonene: 0.26% Ocimene: 0.16% ß-Caryophyllene: 0.49% Humulene: 0.15%