Dabbin Dad Database – Strain Offering Update 6/5/18
Oh there were some new strain offerings added to the database today. Make sure to check them out.
Do you have any questions or comments, let us know and we can try to help guide you through.
There was a new strain released by CPS last week if you were not aware. From what I’ve been told, this strain is flying off the shelves. Get it while it’s hot and available.
Fioralex (H) aka Lemon Skunk x Starkiller (Lexikan x Fioraden A)
Database Strain Offering Update
Blue T16 H 4825
Blue T17 H 4599
Fioralex Flower T28 4720
Hybridol F Mini Vape T75 4646
Hybridol G RS 79.92 4642
Icarilex Flower T25 4714
Indicol O 23.20 4645
Indicol P 28.18 4650
Indicol P 28.42 4636
Indicol P 28.42 4637 SC
Indicol W Vape 300 4643
JenvaPure T1034C3 4499 Oil
JenvaPure T314C1 4498 Oil
Lexikan T297 4712 DC Pure Vape
MandricaPure T273C2 4484 Oil
Sativarin E CR 82.30 4639
Check out Dabbin Dad for all your strain information. Know your medicine.