June CT MMP Statistics
The June CT MMP Statistics are in. The program is still going strong, 33,014 patients. From the looks of it, this might be the first time the Connecticut medical program shrank. The patient pool dropped by 965 patients. This leads us to wonder what could lead to the loss of patients? There are a number of reasons.
The state program requires annual recertifications which are expensive when people realize there is no insurance assistance. The doctor visits and license fees can add up quickly. Imagine this is you would.
You hurt yourself badly and need to see a doctor, imagine if the doctor prescribed you some medicine to help with inflammation and pain. Not too far fetched, right? Now lets’ continue. As you walk out of the doctor’s office, you head up to the counter to check out, only to find that this visit was not a standard visit and will not be covered under a standard co-pay. Now you are frustrated that you have to shell out anywhere from $150 – $300 for the visit (Oh yes, it could range that much), but such is life.
As your getting ready to leave, you ask the receptionist where the nearest place would be to get the new script filled. They reply, oh “you have to be registered with the state first” and you cannot get the script filled right away until the DCP confirms you met all conditions. We know it seems a little confusion, considering that is exactly what the doctor just finished doing. It gets a little more costly here because the government doesn’t work for free either, so of course, there is a fee associated with registration, $100 to be exact.
Ok fine. Can I please fill my script now?
Not so fast, we have to confirm everything and you need to identify the dispensary you are going to use first. Obviously, you are going to pick the closed one to you, so it’s convenient. Great, this is done, can I get my medicine now? Oh no. Sorry, this process can take up to a month. Yes, it can take 30 days.
30 Days Later
Yes, I now have a medical card. The wait is over! I can finally get some relief and begin healing. Haha, you thought it would be that easy. Silly you, some dispensaries require you to schedule an appointment to pick up an order.
These stories are real and have happened. A lot of non-patients do not understand the process it takes to access medicinal marijuana. It is not easy and patients are not just looking to score some “pot.” This is a medicine and people, like us, have found it to be the best option available.
Adding new dispensaries, while nice, does not ensure the right medicine is available all times. Patients deserve the right to home-cultivation. All patients should be guaranteed access to the plant to ensure they always have access to the medicine they need.
Who are these doctors? Why is it so hard to find one?
Since last month, the DCP registered 10 more physicians to prescribe medicinal marijuana in Connecticut.
Check out Dabbin Dad for all your strain information. Know your medicine.