How many people can relate to this image? Who really loves work, I wonder?
I enjoy what I do for work and I’m happy with the arrangement, but trust me, like everyone else I wish I didn’t have to work as much as I do. There are people out there that have to work more than 40 hours to just stay afloat. For 9 years, I worked for a company that was glamorous to some, people loved to hear about my company. That obviously got old quick. Soon, I came to realize that the company was all about images, but really didn’t care for it’s employees nearly as much as they claimed. When I left the company, I found how much value my experience was to other companies. I’ve always been concerned with my exposure to technology and the personal relationships in which I built. While I miss my former colleagues and the facility was truly amazing, I do not miss the out of date management. I can obviously say that I happily left when the opportunity presented itself, while I liked my work and the company, the bosses were the true reason I had to go.
I’m extremely happy where I ended up. I get to do everything that I want and my voice means something. However, the best part of the day is walking into my home to see my wife and kids. Family is why I do everything. They are why I work, why I medicate, and why I keep battling. Remember, you have to love yourself! Cannabis helps me be the person I truly am inside. I never fully acclimated back to normal life after the military and war. I’m glad that I live in a state that legally allows me have the medicine that works best for me and my family. If I didn’t medicate with cannabis, life would continue to be extremely difficult and unbearable. To keep my spirits high, I raise my rig and take this dab for those that can’t!
Good night! Be safe!