Who are your legislators? As someone who has experienced cannabis daily for the last five plus years, I find it troubling that in 2017, people do not think for themselves. While the media sometimes has great intentions, let’s not forget they are a business. We cannot take everything we see on the news as a necessarily factual truth any longer. The media is so eager to … [Read more...] about Are Connecticut Legislators the ones High?
Legal Weed Can Get You Fired
The dangers of Marijuana still exist! Many do not know that marijuana can kill… your career. Even if you live a state, such as Colorado or California, where marijuana is legal, your employee handbook has the final say. This could mean that if you enjoy a joint or a hit from your favorite dry herb vaporizer at a weekend barbecue or a puff after work, you may still be … [Read more...] about Legal Weed Can Get You Fired
Cannabis and Aromatherapy
Cannabis and Aromatherapy Understanding how cannabis works, is not easy and people have barely started to begin to understand the properties of the different varieties of this plant. In some ways, you can say the cannabis prohibition in the United States for the last 80 years has been the dark ages. We don't know the true history and understanding of this plant outside of … [Read more...] about Cannabis and Aromatherapy
Ten Cannabinoids and What They Do
Ten Cannabinoids and What They Do There are more than 85 different cannabinoids that have been identified as being ‘active’ in the cannabis plant. Each of these has a different chemical structure, and serves a different purpose. One of the main differences between these cannabinoids is how psychologically active they are. For example, CBG, CBD and CBC are not … [Read more...] about Ten Cannabinoids and What They Do
Cannabis Unites
Cannabis Unites How many people do you know that smoke weed? I remember in high school, which was primarily a hippie school, everyone use to smoke and it wasn’t only the kids listening to classic rock. A good joint would bring people together from different groups and everyone got along. They could all unite around this amazing plant. Advocates Since venturing out and … [Read more...] about Cannabis Unites
When Are You Technically Impaired?
This does not correctly portray cannabis users! Only another false Stoner Stereotype. How much do you consume? At what point do you feel you are impaired? The more important question...when are you technically impaired? For some, a few pulls of a joint will suffice; others require a significantly larger dose to get up in the morning. So the issue is complicated … [Read more...] about When Are You Technically Impaired?
Dabbin Dad Visits CannaCon Boston
This past week, the Dabbin Dad team was invited up to CannaCon Boston to experience the company’s first event located on the East Coast. We were excited to travel together as a team to see what CannaCon had to offer. It was a great opportunity for us to leave the comfort of Connecticut to see how the Massachusetts community is preparing to expand into a recreational cannabis … [Read more...] about Dabbin Dad Visits CannaCon Boston
Happy Fourth of July: A Little Cannabis 101
Happy Fourth of July Everyone. I hope you all enjoy a fun and safe holiday. This year, I will be taking it easy. Please take some time to think about what today truly means. Understand the time in which the colonists lived. The Founding Fathers fought valiantly for the freedoms of the 13 colonies. It is simply amazing, the colonies persevered against the might … [Read more...] about Happy Fourth of July: A Little Cannabis 101
Remembering the Fallen
Remembering the Fallen How did you celebrate Memorial Day this year? Did you have a BBQ or attend a parade? This past weekend, like many of you, I spent the weekend enjoying time with family to usher in the start of summer. Memorial Day weekend is a special time in my heart. Not only is the time I get to see family, but it's much more than that. I get to celebrate my … [Read more...] about Remembering the Fallen
Now this from the American Legion!
Now this from the American Legion! The American Legion stands up for veteran access to medical cannabis. This news made me very proud to be a member of the American Legion. I could not be happier to hear the organization, one of the largest veteran groups, is in support and speaking out on behalf of those who have defended and protected our nation. Having the American … [Read more...] about Now this from the American Legion!