Happy Memorial Day Today is Memorial Day, a day of remembrance for those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country. This weekend is very important to me as well to many other veterans and individuals around the country. Too many brave women and men have given their lives in the name of liberty and freedom. The price they paid should … [Read more...] about Happy Memorial Day
Veterans to March on Washington DC
Veterans to March on Washington DC Attention all veterans!!! Are you able to be in Washington DC Saturday morning? We march to protest the Department of Veteran Affairs in hopes to raise awareness that vets should be granted access to cannabis as a safer medical alternative. The studies are out and available. Politicians and VA administrators just need to open … [Read more...] about Veterans to March on Washington DC
Please Keep the Calls Going!
Connecticut Needs Your Help...Keep the Calls To Your CT Legislators Going! We need all the help we can get. Do you support legalization of adult-use of cannabis? Support grow rights? Give Connecticut residents the right to choose! Please speak up! - Dabbin Dad Click Here: Ask legislative leaders to call a vote on legalization How does Click to … [Read more...] about Please Keep the Calls Going!
Connecticut Activism
The activism is strong in Connecticut, but is it missing you? Happy Monday! This past weekend was beautiful, the weather was gorgeous and for the Connecticut cannabis community it was fun packed. Saturday, New Haven was the host to the very first Cannabis Conference for leadership and small businesses within the state. The conference, which was held at the Omni … [Read more...] about Connecticut Activism
Cannabis or Firearms?
Cannabis or Firearms? The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives otherwise known as the “ATF” indicted two Maine men earlier this month on federal firearms charges due to cannabis consumption. This topic has always been a concern of mine, as both a veteran and a legal medical patient. I know I share this sediment with a lot of other veterans and other … [Read more...] about Cannabis or Firearms?
Tolls Over Adult-Consumption?
Last week the Speaker of the House, Joe Aresimowicz, said a vote in the state House of Representatives on bringing tolls back to Connecticut will take place soon, but votes on legalizing marijuana and adding casinos will probably wait until 2019. How is this possible? I’m surprised that legislators would be pushing this agenda yet again in Connecticut. On April 5th, … [Read more...] about Tolls Over Adult-Consumption?
Legalization Fight Continues in CT
The fight for legalization is hardly over with HB 5394 passing favorably from the Appropriations Committee. It was exciting to hear that we made history, but so far that is all that has happened. It is symbolic of potential change. Let us not forget the vote was close...27-24 in favor. How much more inaction and complacency are state residents expected to allow in Hartford? … [Read more...] about Legalization Fight Continues in CT
Synthetic Marijuana
Synthetic Marijuana is not Marijuana Synthetic Marijuana, some times referred to K2 or Spice, is not what it sounds. It is disturbing and upsetting to hear in a recent report on CNN, Synthetic cannabinoids have been tied to 56 cases of severe bleeding, including two deaths, across Chicago and areas in central Illinois. All of the cases required hospitalization related to … [Read more...] about Synthetic Marijuana
Support for Raised Bill No 5394
Do you support the legalization of cannabis in CT? Let your legislators know your stance on Bill 5394. This bill will be heard by the Appropriations Committee on March 28th, 2018. Raised Bill No. 5394: AN ACT CONCERNING THE LEGALIZATION AND REGULATION OF THE RETAIL SALE OF MARIJUANA. Statement of Purpose: To develop a plan to legalize and regulate the retail … [Read more...] about Support for Raised Bill No 5394
General Law Committee Fails to Successfully Represent Connecticut Residents
What is the General Law Committee? By now you may have heard the news, Raised House Bill – 5458: An Act Concerning the Regulation of the Retail Sale of Marijuana failed to pass the General Law Committee in Connecticut (Motion Failed JF). The Connecticut General Assembly website identifies, The General Law Committee has cognizance of all matters relating to the Department of … [Read more...] about General Law Committee Fails to Successfully Represent Connecticut Residents