It’s new, it’s cool, and it’s out there. It’s; it’s a place to find all things Cannabis. A new platform that is going to take everything you’ve ever wanted to know about this subject to the next level. Elevated and Informed.
The categories of focus for are going to be completely over the top. We will be focusing on different options and availabilities for Health and Wellness. Cannabis Medicine and Science continue to make advancements specific to medical discoveries that are assisting all types people with a wide variety of conditions.
Plus, there’s all the cool tech that goes along with growing cannabis. Lights, nutrients, dryers, extractors, packaging, delivery systems, up to and including rolling papers – are all factors that will be reviewed to help you determine what’s going to work best for your specific needs. We are here to keep you informed.
It’s new, it’s cool, and it’s out there. It’s; it’s a place to find all things Cannabis. A new platform that is going to take everything you’ve ever wanted to know about this subject to the next level. Elevated and Informed.
The categories of focus for are going to be completely over the top. They’re going be focusing on different options and availabilities for Health and Wellness. Cannabis Medicine and Science continue to make advancements specific to medical discoveries that are assisting all types people with a wide variety of conditions.
Additionally, Cannabis strains will be put into the spotlight and highlighted for their specific medical properties or for just being pretty. Cannabis grow tips will be presented along with the gear and products associated that will step you through the entire process.
Plus, there’s all the cool tech that goes along with growing cannabis. Lights, nutrients, dryers, extractors, packaging, delivery systems, up to and including rolling papers – are all factors that will be reviewed to help you determine what’s going to work best for your specific needs, keeping you informed.
The landscape of legalization has changed substantially over the past decade, and continues to evolve and grow throughout the country. thinks that you should be up to speed on these things as they occur. This is most especially important if you live in an area that hasn’t gone into the recreational legal market yet.
Along with legalization in some states comes a change in lifestyle, and then there are all the events that follow. Who doesn’t like a good party? I wanna go, how about you? This platform makes sure to let you know when and where. ALL good vibes… it’ll help you stay elevated and informed about the fun stuff too.
I’m sure some of you might be thinking “I’ve seen a bunch of sites like this before. What’s going to make this one any better? How is this any different?”
Great Question!
As if all the topics above aren’t exciting enough will also host the Weedspeek LIVE Podcast. The Podcast will be featuring:
Wendy Love Edge (Co-creator, producer, writer, host, and Queen of the Wendy Love Edge Show). This is where she’ll interview cannabis activists, enthusiasts, public figures, patients, industry professionals, journalists, and physicians from around the country. And it’s all going to be live! Yes, Live and you’ll have an ability to interact with it all, have real conversations and make connections between people everywhere and anywhere. You’ll be able to listen to a podcast, join in on the talk, maybe you will have a question you want to ask, you can always just listen in on the LIVE show or go back and listen to a re-run. It turns it into conversational journalism, not one sided at all. How is this going to be accomplished you ask? Easy… has teamed up with Relevnt so that you can interact with everything they have to offer right down to a local level.
Local level? What do you mean? will be teaming up Relevnt which will be used as a tool to reach the audience in a variety of ways. Relevnt is a free social audio app that is open for everyone to converse live and in real time and offers great features such as live polling. The application also allows groups to chat and it helps people to stay connected, but in a new and interesting way. People chat in what are referred to as “vibes”. Vibes are audio-chat communities personalized for you based off of both your interests and your location. Conversations can be either public or private with many great features making it easy to share with other fans, friends, and like-minded people with text, polls, pics, video, gifs, and links. It is the best way to connect with local events, people, offerings, and most importantly the local culture and customs. For wherever you are or wherever you are going to go, has the way to keep you connected to Cannabis Culture.
So with all this good stuff going on, you’re not going to want to miss out on any of it. Articles and shows bringing you the cutting edge information of the Cannabis Industry, Live Podcasts, plus – on top of it all- you’ll be able to interact with all of it in real time.
Don’t miss a beat with
Stay Elevated, Informed, and Connected to it all.