The U.S. accounts for about 5% of the worlds population but houses 25% of the world’s prison population. (2015 stats). Stop making everybody pay for all this nonsense.
Many of us are aware of the POTUS’ current change of heart in regards to Cannabis. Thank you for preparing to release those incarcerated on a federal level for simple possession. I’m sure this is no easy task for your administration. We also applaud your recommendation that governors follow suit at the state level.
But there are some flaws here… Don’t you think?
How many people are being held on federal charges for simple possession? You’re releasing 6,000 but leaving another 3,000 to sit. What about those guys? Unless they were violent offenders in addition to possession, they should be set free. Don’t you think? No one should be in jail for weed.
Plus, more could be done to encourage governors who refuse to release prisoners. Some are flat-out refusing to participate, like Texas for example. What about those ahead of the curve? Last year, New Jersey already did all this stuff. Most states that have legalized marijuana have also moved to expunge the records of nonviolent offenders or issue pardons.
Now a rescheduling is in the works? Why? So Big Pharma can sink its fangs into it all? Ick.
Stop beating around the bush here people. Marijuana is now fully legal in 19 U.S. states and allowed for medical use in 37. It’s The United Divided. But since everyone can’t seem to get on the same page for one reason or another, just keep it all gray and just leave it as a states rights issue. Just decriminalize it and move on. Yes, I said decrim. I didn’t say legal. The people are clearly ahead of their government.
Legal… Decrim… What’s the difference? F-it! Straight Up Repeal!
Legalization means that weed would be made legal, under federal. Decriminalization means that weed would still be prohibited by law, but the legal system wouldn’t criminalize a person for it either. Just like in The Netherlands. (The Netherlands’ revised Opium Act of 1976 is part of the Dutch drug policy framework that includes tolerance for nonconforming lifestyles, risk reduction with regard to harmful health and social consequences of drug use, and penal measures directed against illicit trafficking of hard drugs.) Which would leave it to the states to do what they want. Have it or don’t have it. Kind of like it is right now. No one would be going to jail for it no matter what state you were in.
I get it. No administration wants to be accountable for legalizing weed for whatever reason. However, this is the solution that will make a lot of people happy. It’ll keep people out of jail, make the nay-sayers comply, and allow the states to deal with it however they want. Or repeal the law straight up.
Abandon and renounce these old ideas. You can make it all sound like beer if you have to put a title on it. I can get beer at a bodega, gas station, or bar. I can even brew my own in the privacy of my own home. I can share beers with my friends on any occasion and it’s socially “normal”. Completely Demystifying The Devil.
There needs to be more than just a release.
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