Gather around my lovely readers, because I’ve got a story to tell. It’s a story about the states and territories in the United States that have embraced the green revolution, the one that doesn’t involve your lawn. If you’re reading an article on Dabbin-Dad, you know we’re talking about weed.

In the U.S., there are 21 states, two territories, and the District of Columbia that have legalized recreational adult use of marijuana. That’s right, folks, you can light up a joint in these places without fear of the law coming down on you like a ton of bricks.
But why, you might ask, are the other states clinging to disbelief and prohibition propaganda? It’s a question that has baffled many, including this writer. Is it fear? Ignorance? Stubborn outdated beliefs? Who knows? All we know is that those states are missing out.
In the states where recreational marijuana use is legal, it’s not just about getting high. It’s about freedom, about personal choice, and about breaking down barriers. It’s about recognizing that marijuana is not the Devil’s Lettuce, but rather God’s Kale with an ability to bring people together.
And let’s not forget the economic benefits. Legalizing marijuana has created jobs, generated revenue for the states, and reduced the burden on law enforcement. It’s a win-win situation.
But the U.S. is not the only place where the green revolution is taking hold.

If we look at the other side of the kiddy pool, in Europe, there are places where marijuana is not just tolerated, but legal.

Take the Netherlands, for example. Amsterdam is famous for its coffee shops, where patrons can buy and smoke marijuana. It’s a tourist attraction, a cultural phenomenon, and a way of life. And guess what? The world hasn’t ended.

In Portugal, possession of small amounts of drugs, including marijuana, was decriminalized in 2001. The result? Drug use went down, drug-related crime went down, and the country became a model for drug policy reform.

And let’s not forget about Spain, where private consumption and cultivation of marijuana is legal. It’s a model that other countries should be looking at, because it’s working.
So why are some countries and states still clinging to prohibition propaganda? It’s a question that defies logic. Perhaps they’re afraid of change, or maybe they’re just stuck in the past. Whatever the reason, it’s time to wake up and smell the weed.
Legalizing marijuana is not about promoting drug use, it’s about promoting freedom and personal choice. It’s about recognizing that adults are capable of making their own decisions, and that the government doesn’t need to be a nanny and has no business being your nanny when it comes to weed. Who are they to tell you what you can or can’t put in your own damn body? The very idea reeks of tyranny. It’s like they want to control every aspect of your life, from the cradle to the grave. Well, I say screw that noise. If you want to smoke a joint, that’s your business and nobody else’s. The government needs to back off and let people make their own choices.
It’s called freedom, people. Look it up.
Let’s end this nonsense.