I Love New York. The powers that be in the Empire State have finally seen the light. Yes, my friends, the green light. The state Cannabis Control Board, in an act of rare sanity, has given the thumbs up to regulations allowing anyone 21 or older to grow their own devil’s lettuce at home.
But hold your horses, it’s not a free-for-all just yet. These new rules are subject to a 60-day public comment period before they become official. So, for now, keep your gardening gloves off and your opinions loud.
The proposed regulations, approved nearly three years after the herb was legalized in New York, include a provision that would allow retail marijuana store owners to sell starter plants to customers. Imagine that, walking into your local dispensary and walking out with a baby cannabis plant. What a time to be alive!
But here’s the kicker: each private residence, no matter how many adult residents live there beyond one person, can have no more than six mature plants and six immature plants growing at once. And the amount of cannabis that someone can possess is limited to up to 5 pounds of “cannabis flower that has been trimmed from plants, which have been cultivated in or on the grounds of said person’s private residence”.
So, there you have it. The future is here, and it’s greener than ever. Stay tuned, stay high, and as always, Keep It Weird.