The coffin lid has been nailed shut, and we are left to mourn the loss of our freedom to choose.
It seems like Connecticut is taking a page out of the government’s playbook on over-regulation, but this time, they’re setting their sights on something as innocent as hemp products. The House of Representatives recently passed a bill with the gusto of a bull in a china shop, aiming to put a stranglehold on ingestible hemp goods. What’s next? Regulations on the air we breathe? Oh wait, there’s already something like that…
House Bill 5150, affectionately dubbed “The Nail in the Coffin” by yours truly, sailed through the House with a vote of 130-16. It’s almost as if they’re trying to protect us from the evil clutches of hemp-derived cannabinoids, those pesky little compounds lurking in our snacks and drinks, ready to pounce at any moment.
According to the gospel of Representative Mike D’Agostino, the bill’s shepherd, they can’t outright ban these products, but by God, they can regulate them into oblivion. Because nothing screams “land of the free” like having your snacks micromanaged by politicians.
But wait, there’s more! The bill isn’t just about protecting us poor, unsuspecting citizens from the perils of hemp. Oh no, it’s also about redefining and expanding the definition of high-THC hemp products. Because apparently, the old definition just wasn’t cutting it.
And let’s not forget about the THC potency limit. One milligram per serving, folks. Because we all know how dangerous it is to have two milligrams of THC in your gummy bears instead of one. It’s like playing Russian roulette with your snack time.
But fear not, dear readers, for the government has a plan. They’ll graciously allow high-THC products to be sold at medical marijuana dispensaries or licensed cannabis retailers. Because if there’s one thing the government loves, it’s making sure you jump through hoops to get your hands on what you want.
And what’s a good government overreach without a sprinkle of fines and regulations? The bill now allows towns to shut down vape shops and other stores selling “illegal” cannabis products. Because nothing says “freedom” like the government telling you what you can and can’t buy.
Connecticut’s nail in the coffin for hemp products is just another notch in the belt of government overreach. So, next time you reach for that CBD-infused snack, remember, Big Brother is watching. And he’s not amused.
Keep it weird,