Did You Rush Straight To The Dispensary When You Heard Cannabis Was Legal in CT?
(Too bad it was a waisted ride.)
It seems that many heard “Marijuana Legalization” but nothing else. Many ran to dispensaries just to be turned away at the door. If fact, so many showed up that they actually hung signs indicating that it is a medical facility and not a recreational distributor. I mean really… There are signs for it EVERYWHERE. Yes, so many people are showing up that they’re tired of talking about it and hung signs. You still need a medical card in order to use a CT dispensary.
But it’s legal, right? Why can’t I just go buy some weed? The state did pass legislation making cannabis legal in the state of CT. However, you cannot buy it, sell it, or grow it yet. Weird I know… Patients can’t begin their grows until October and the rest of the population has to wait until the following year. In addition, the state will not be allowing recreational sales until later next year as well. By definition it’s legal, but overall nothing is happening for another year.
It’s weird, I know and I couldn’t agree more. CT loves to make rules. We are the land of legislation with time lines and guidelines. Nothing has ever happened overnight here, like ever.
Patience Grasshopper…