Good Evening Everyone! I would like to get a discussion going…
Who’s Your Favorite Growers and Extraction Artist?
Some of the Dabbin Dad crew got together for a little sesh and decided to get into a deep conversation of our favorite out of state Growers and Extraction artists. We appreciate all that the state program offers. It is a medical program here in Connecticut. Dad and crew haven’t been shy to support the efforts and offering of AGL, Advanced Grow Labs in the past. Curaleaf has an excellent selection of CBD offerings. The program offerings are getting slowly better including tastes and terp qualities. I’ve enjoyed the dispensary staff at The Healing Corner, they really care about every patient.
Being a patient and active in the cannabis community, I like traveling when I’m able to get a way to see other state communities. Let me say there are greener pastures out there if you look to expand your options. With recreational cannabis on the horizon in neighboring states and reciprocity laws currently in several states across the country for medical patients, we started to wonder what people have seen out there. Some States allow different grow and extraction processes than what is offered here in Connecticut. We have seen and tasted some amazing terpenes.
The Dabbin Dad Crew loves the occasional escape to neighboring Rhode Island. Dad still remembers walking into his first RI event and being amazed by the selections. Talking to growers and extractors face to face, is a great experience. It was like going to a craft beer tasting. The attention to detail and artful high quality offerings are so fresh. Truly miss the Grower Days at the dispensaries in CT.
Here are some of our favorites… Feel free to comment
DABS, GLOBS, & Bhombs, Dabonair Extracts, Boosted Cultivations, Goon Squad, Something Better, Remydees Extracts, Earthbound710, Boondock Alchemist, Monster Buds, Peace Oil, New England Extracts
Medicate Safely and have a great evening! Please comment and share any of your favorites. Support those that can help.
-Dad, Tha Red Baron and DunDeal