So it’s freezing outside, some places are reporting -25 degrees with the wind chill, without the wind it’s still -10 degrees. That’s cold. I’m thankful to have the lights and heat on. I’m praying for those that are less fortunate.
I don’t smoke in the house around the kids, so I decided to try to bear the elements. I recently had surgery, so I’m not as mobile the past few days. I have some pills for post-surgery pain, but in all honesty, the dabs and flower are all I need. The smoke room is downstairs in the basement. I try not to smoke too much flower down there, keeping my wife happy and not worried about the smell. But after a good five minutes being outside, I was ready to go back to the warmth of the house, even for my New England a$$. I was imagining I would be walking into the house with frozen snot stuck to my face, but that was not the case. Lol It is way too cold with the wind. Luckily, my smoke room has good ventilation and I’m still good on my Kushley!!!!
I picked up some new flowers to try… I got my hands on the last of the CPS Lexikan, the Theraplant Whisprim, and Curaleaf Green. I can’t wait to try these. I did notice that the Healing Corner had a lot of indica selections and not so many sativas. I was a little bummed about that, but hey, I was not bummed with my choices when I left. I felt I was leaving the grocery store with everything I got. I wouldn’t be Dabbin Dad if I didn’t have a selection. I know where I’ll be spending my day! Be safe and bundle up if you are braving the outdoors. When it’s days like this, I like to think I’m tropical. I’ll be dreaming of drinks and weed on a beach!!!