Good Morning Everyone! What is a better way to start the week than by releasing a new Dabbin’ Dad Strain Database Update? We have been busy adding the recent updates to the collection so every patient has up to date information to refer too. Make sure to ask questions whenever you need them.
The Connecticut Medical Marijuana Program aka CT MMP has grown remarkably since it’s beginning not that long ago. We all have a lot to learn and more to achieve, but the future is bright. Let us at Dabbin’ Dad help assist you on your journey and make sure to tell any other patients you may know.
Recently added offerings
Here are the most recently updated strain offerings and there were over 150 new ones in this release. Remember, no one knows you, better than you. Take back your health. Find what offerings work best for you!
Cannabidiol D 1:1 Pure Mini Vape T115 C114 6803
Cannabidiol D 1:1 Pure Vape T154 C152 6802
Cannabidiol D 1:5 Pure Vape T54 C269 6920
Cannabidiol D 1:5 Vape T34 C188 6716
Cannabidiol D 1:5 Vape T37 C189 6973
Hybridol A 27.68 6789
Hybridol A Pure Mini Vape T252 6738
Hybridol A Pure Vape 336 6737
Hybridol A SH 88.68 6909
Hybridol BC PAX ERA 382 6783
Hybridol D 29.09 6953
Hybridol DE 24.09 6992
Hybridol DE Pre-rolls 25.76 6934
Hybridol I 29.35 6966
Hybridol I CR 80.36 6983
Hybridol J PAX ERA 376 6775
Hybridol J Pure Mini Vape T225 6776
Hybridol J Pure Vape 300 6774
Hybridol J Vape 225 6932
Hybridol N 27.80 6960
Hybridol P 24.84 6923
Hybridol Q 25.70 6951
Hybridol Q 26.42 6987
Hybridol Q 26.73 6925
Hybridol Q BD 80.95 6938
Hybridol Q BD 80.95 6941
Hybridol Q Mini Vape T78 6796
Hybridol Q Vape 225 6740
Hybridol R CR 90.15 6915
Hybridol T 26.08 6918
Hybridol U 25.60 6986
Hybridol U 25.60 7109 SC
Hybridol W 26.64 6945
Hybridol X 24.64 6786
Hybridol X Mini Vape T74 6797
Hybridol X Pure Vape 293 6709
Hybridol Z CR 88.43 6908
Hybridol Z Vape 225 6724
Indicol A 23.96 6793
Indicol A Pre-rolls 23.96 6930
Indicol A Vape 225 6710
Indicol AB 25.11 6984
Indicol AB 25.11 7108 SC
Indicol AB 25.49 6791
Indicol AB Mini Vape T75 6730
Indicol AB Vape 225 6727
Indicol BC 26.94 6952
Indicol BC Pre-rolls 26.94 6962
Indicol C 30.19 6942
Indicol DE 26.30 6946
Indicol DE 26.42 6985
Indicol E 29.80 6944
Indicol E Pre-rolls 29.80 6949
Indicol E Pure Mini Vape T245 6912
Indicol E Pure Vape 327 6910
Indicol FG 31.08 6795
Indicol HI CR 92.36 6939
Indicol MN 23.69 7121 SC
Indicol O 24.96 6955
Indicol P CR 90.47 6916
Indicol X Pre-rolls 30.72 6787
Indicol Z 23.67 6990
Sativarin E SH 86.75 6935
Sativarin W 26.75 6794
Sativarin W 26.75 7118 SC
Sativarin W Pure Vape 287 6919
Albivex T28 6902
Borealex Pre-Rolls T25 6841
Borealex SC T25 6840
Fioraden B SC T25 6859
Fioraden B T25 6858
Fioraleve A T10C15 6081
Fioraleve A T149C201 6896 DC Pure Vape
Fioralex SC T28 6832
Fioralex T28 6831
Hybridol I 31.72 6917
Lexikan Pre-rolls T31 6816
Lexikan Pre-rolls T31 6850
Lexikan SC T31 6849
Lexikan SC T31 6864
Lexikan T100 6877 Mini Vape Pina Colada
Lexikan T31 6848
Lexikan T31 6863
Lexikan T324 6865 DC Pure Mini Vape
Lexikan T40 6060 Premium Pre-Roll
Lexikan T80 6899 CR
Limunex Pre-rolls T24 6894
Limunex T24 6880
Pinaden T44 6062 Premium Pre-Roll
Tetraden T225 6875
Tomaken SC T28 6828
Bianca C16 T11 CBD 6508
Bianca Pure M C179 T157 CBD 6309
Bianca Pure N C109 T95 CBD 6524
Blue Pure W T350 H 6543
Citron T28 S 6528
Citron T28 S 6544
Citron T30 S 6556
Garnet T27 H 6557
HH Red C14 T9 CBD 6509
Ivory T30 H 6552
Jasper T25 H 6554
Onyx T30 I 6562
Opal T28 H 6548
Ruby T16 H 6561
Sapphire CBD Pure P C277 T136 CBD 6545
Sapphire T29 H 6564
Scarlett T31 S 6553
Silver T31 H 6560
AlotivaPure T200C1 7015
Aniva T29 6616
Aniva T29 PR 6617 Pre-rolls
Aniva T30 6685
Aniva T77 TS 6643
AnivaPure T350C1 6622 Vape
AnivaPure T750C3 6149
Bablica T23 PR 5581 Pre-rolls
Bablica T24 6612
Balinica T25 6702
Biscay T21 6703
ChurlivaPure T200C1 6689
Daxotone T21 5567 Pre-rolls
Daxotone T75 TS 6694
Daxotone T83 SH 7025
DaxotonePure T200C1 6661
DaxotonePure T350C2 6662 Vape
Elioraca T29 6657
Elioraca T29 PR 6658 Pre-rolls
ElioracaPure T200C1 6670
ElioracaPure T350C1 6669 Vape
Haracept T24 7016
Jehanose T25 7009
Jehanose T26 6663
Jenva T89 SH 6653
Loolica T30 PR 6185 Pre-rolls
MerebridPure T200C1 6692
Natybrid T23 6645
Ohbrid T22 6698
Quintica T26 6676
Ratindica T30 6627
Ratindica T30 PR 6628 Pre-rolls
Rexibrid T22 6620
Romblica T25 6701
SavotiPure T200C1 6678
SavotiPure T350C1 6677 Vape
SavotiPure T752C3 6679
Songrica T28 6704
Squiblica T81 BD 6682
Taytenate T28 6696
Taytenate T30 6648
Taytenate T30 PR 6649 Pre-rolls
Vinziva T200C2 6667
Vinziva T350C3 6666 Vape
Vinziva T88C1 SH 6665
VinzivaPure T753C6 6668
Waybrid T24 6635
YCBD C76T5 CR 7036
YCBD18:1 C18T1 6190
Zybrid T22 Pre-rolls 5598
Zybrid T89 CR 6647