In their latest announcement, the Department of Consumer Protection has lifted the veil on their lucrative world of pot-peddling, proudly parading numbers that’ll make even the most stoic of accountants reach for their stash. Brace yourselves, folks, for a tantalizing glimpse into the weed wonderland.
In a period that could only be described as “from November 1, 2023, to November 30, 2023” (the department keeps it vague to maintain an air of mystique), a staggering sum of nearly $26 million danced its way into the registers. And no, that’s not the annual budget for the department’s donut supply.
Ah, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves! The more refined, distinguished segment—the medical marijuana market—swooned in with sales worth over $10.3 million. Meanwhile, in the other corner of the ring, where the smoke signals read “adult-use,” a hefty $15.3 million strutted into the limelight. The doors to adult-use paradise swung open on Jan. 10, 2023, and it seems the green rush knows no bounds since then.
But wait, there’s more to this potpourri of information! The medical marijuana aficionados bought a respectable 281,691 products, while the “for recreational purposes only” gang snagged 400,379 goodies. And they say stoners aren’t productive. The average price tag for medical marijuana hovered around $36.99, while those in the adult-use playground splurged an extra $1.45 on average, forking out a princely $38.44.
Now, here’s the fun part: dissecting the shopping carts. It seems the cool kids spent 50 percent of their cannabis cash on the good ol’ flower power. Vapes, on the other hand, puffed their way to a commendable 31 percent, leaving edibles with a paltry 12 percent. Clearly, cannabis connoisseurs prefer inhaling their greens over munching on them.
Of course, remember, dear readers, this data is brought to you by the state’s trusty Seed-to-Sale Tracking System, the digital guardian of all things CT weed. But hey, don’t get your hopes too high—DCP washes its hands clean of revenue predictions, price regulations, or setting sales goals. It’s like they’re saying, “We’re just here to watch the green tide rise.”
But hold your bongs, folks. Before you plan your next shopping spree based on these numbers, know that taxes on adult-use escapades are not even in this equation yet. That’s right, the fiscal weight of your recreational splurge hasn’t fully hit the pot yet. Because if they told you, you would want them to account for the money, am I right? On the flip side, medical marijuana patients can puff away without paying those pesky taxes.
So, is this a sign of a state basking in the economic glow of legalized pot or just another piece of data for the annual “How High Did We Get?” report? Who knows? One thing’s for sure: in this green maze of numbers and percentages, everyone’s chasing a different kind of high.
Keep it WEIRD,