Alright, buckle up. We’re about to dive headfirst into the wild and woolly world of cannabis complaints in the great state of Connecticut. This isn’t for the weak hearted. This is a journey into the belly of the bureaucratic beast. But fear not, for I am your guide on this strange trip.Not enough weed? Does what you bought look moldy? Is the container a little light? You should … [Read more...] about A Guide to Filing Complaints: Holding Connecticut’s Growers Accountable
How did the stoner fix her jeans?
From 10,000 to 1 Million CFU/g: Connecticut’s Controversial Mold Limits
Here we are again, my friends, back to the same old song and dance. I've ranted about this before, but it seems the powers that be have a selective hearing problem. So, let's crank up the volume and talk about the mold levels in cannabis in the great state of Connecticut. We need to talk about this again...Now, I don't know about you, but when I think of medicine, I don't … [Read more...] about From 10,000 to 1 Million CFU/g: Connecticut’s Controversial Mold Limits
Therapy Session.
Terpene Tango: A Dance Of Ocimene, Terpinolene, And Myrcene With Hippy Crippler
In the twilight haze of a crisp Connecticut evening, I found myself face to face with a gift of the enigmatic Hippy Crippler - a strain that promised a journey into the heart of cannabis consciousness. As I unwrapped the tightly sealed package, the spicy kind of piney and sweet aroma burst forth, assaulting my senses with a potent invitation to partake in a dance of Ocimene, … [Read more...] about Terpene Tango: A Dance Of Ocimene, Terpinolene, And Myrcene With Hippy Crippler
Mushroom Mavericks: The Quest For Psychedelic Liberation In Hartford
In the heart of the bustling city of Hartford, Connecticut, a wild and transformative movement is brewing. Imagine a motley crew of advocates – doctors, therapists, and passionate supporters of decriminalization – all coming together for a cause that could redefine the state's stance on psychedelic mushrooms.Picture this: these advocates recently descended upon the state … [Read more...] about Mushroom Mavericks: The Quest For Psychedelic Liberation In Hartford
Jedi Defender: Tong Takes On Separatists Menacing The Republic
Good day, noble citizens of the Galactic Republic. Jedi Knight William Tong, a defender of peace and justice, has embarked on a mission to sue seven separatist outposts across the outer rim for their illicit trade in potent herbal substances. Each outpost faces the looming threat of a 5,000-credit fine for brazenly violating the Galactic Unfair Trade Practices Act.Among the … [Read more...] about Jedi Defender: Tong Takes On Separatists Menacing The Republic
Monthly Meeting
On The Brink: Connecticut’s Cannabis Supply Crisis. Where The Hell Is All Of The Weed?!?
Hold onto your butts people! We're embarking on a Dabbin-Dad odyssey through the labyrinthine world of Connecticut's cannabis conundrum! Once hailed for its unyielding traditions, the state now resembles a battleground fraught with angst and chaos—particularly for those reliant on medical marijuana, left grappling amidst this green revolution's sudden change. Imagine the … [Read more...] about On The Brink: Connecticut’s Cannabis Supply Crisis. Where The Hell Is All Of The Weed?!?
The Great Green Bamboozle: A Tale of Cannabis in Connecticut
In the twisted year of 2023, the state of Connecticut, in its infinite wisdom, decided to play a cruel joke on its citizens. The average price of recreational marijuana took a nosedive from $44.61 in January to $38.44 in November. Meanwhile, the cost of medical cannabis, the supposed lifeline for the ailing, climbed from $35.68 to $36.99. A classic bait-and-switch, ladies and … [Read more...] about The Great Green Bamboozle: A Tale of Cannabis in Connecticut