We are proud to announce the Connecticut MMP Events calendar
Our first mission when Dabbin Dad started was to provide a space on the world wide web where medical marijuana patients in the state of Connecticut could find out all the information they needed about getting a card, where the dispensaries are and other pertinent info.
5 months ago we launched the Dabbin Dad strain database. The response has been tremendous and we are very grateful for all the help / input we have received. This got the wheels turning. Dabbing Dad has always wanted to push the site forward and further the sense of community amongst Connecticut MMP patients.
in association with our friends Shoreline Dabbers Association, this community calendar is open to any / all events related to medical marijuana in the state of Connecticut and neighboring states. We need your help in order to make this calendar grow.
If you would like to see your event listed on our calendar please send an email with the details to events@dabbindad.com | https://dabbin-dad.com/events